
FAQ about Laser treatments

Check out the frequently asked questions for more information on medical lasers, laser aesthetic treatments including hair removal, offered by our EstheMedis clinics.

How does the laser treatment work?

The laser creates a high-intensity beam of light that penetrates deep into the skin tissue, where it delivers a controlled amount of targeted therapeutic heat. Our wide range of state-of-the-art lasers protect the upper layers of your skin with a cooling burst of cryogen. Together, the long pulse laser and air cooling provide optimal treatment with minimal side effects.

Who will perform my treatments?

Our treatments are performed by our experienced and licensed professional staff who undergo continuous training to provide the most cutting edge medical aesthetic care. The staff provides treatments under the medical direction of Tatiana Peuvrel, a European Diploma in Medical Lasers with over 15 years of experience. EstheMedis Laser Clinic places the highest importance on the quality of its treatments and the comfort of its patients.

What can I expect during treatment?

During laser treatment, you must wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from the laser light. Your practitioner will guide the laser to the treatment areas with a small handpiece. Each laser pulse may be preceded and followed by a short cooling spray pulse. A treatment can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated.

Does laser treatment hurt?

Most patients report that laser treatment is uncomfortable rather than painful and that they tolerate the treatment well. This discomfort varies in intensity and is described as mild as the snap of a rubber band to the sensation of a hot pinprick on the skin. It resolves quickly and is minimized by the air cooling of the SLS.

For some patients and especially when treating sensitive areas, we often choose to use an anesthetic cream, which helps reduce any discomfort.

Who is a candidate for laser hair removal?

With our complete line of state-of-the-art lasers, we now have the ability to offer laser hair removal to everyone. Whether you have fair skin, dark skin or a tan, our lasers will definitely eliminate the need for shaving or waxing.

How many treatment sessions do I need?

The number of sessions depends on the treatment you need and the condition of your skin. For laser hair removal, for example, several treatment sessions are necessary because the process is most effective when the hair follicle is in its active growth phase. Other skin problems may disappear in a single treatment session, but many factors impact the effectiveness of individual laser treatments, including the severity of the problem being treated.

How do I prepare for treatment?

Patients scheduled for laser hair removal should avoid plucking, electrolysis or waxing for a few weeks prior to treatment. In addition, the skin should be clean-shaven and thoroughly cleaned and dried, removing makeup, creams, oils, and self-tanning products before the laser treatment. The area to be treated should not be exposed to the sun or to the light of a tanning booth before or immediately after the treatment.

What happens during the first consultation?

The first consultation is not long and takes place in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with your expert practitioner in our Genolier laser clinic. We listen to your needs and concerns before assessing your skin and discussing your personal and medical history.

Depending on the treatment you are interested in, a laser test or skin analysis is performed. We can then recommend a customized treatment plan.

There is no obligation for you to continue with the recommended treatments. We do not believe in pressuring our patients. We hope that you will leave better informed so that you can make the best choice for you.

What precautions should I take after treatment?

After the laser treatment, use a sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher). In the first few days after treatment, do not scrub or rinse the treated area with abrasive skin cleansers. Our team of practitioners can advise you of additional precautions depending on your skin type and the nature of the treatment.

Can I receive laser treatment while taking medication?

You should tell the clinician if you are taking any medications. Some medications (e.g., certain antibiotics) may make you too sensitive to laser treatment and increase your risk of side effects.

What can I expect after treatment?

A cool compress or gel pack can be applied for comfort after your laser treatment. Any redness or swelling should disappear within a few hours.

For all other questions, call one of our clinics to schedule an initial consultation, free of charge and without obligation.