

What is the treatment for rosacea ?

Vascular aesthetic lasers combine an ideal wavelength with very flexible parameters to treat a wide range of vascular lesions quickly, safely and effectively. Patients with dark, light or tanned skin can look forward to exceptional results with minimal skin damage and no blistering. Les lasers envoient des impulsions permettant au sang de se coaguler dans la veine, détruisant ainsi les vaisseaux. Les lasers éliminent les petites vascularités de toutes les parties du corps. Les petites télangiectasies faciales peuvent être rapidement traitées sans éviction social ni complication.


The appearance of the majority of the treated vascularities improves considerably within 2 to 6 weeks following the treatment until they disappear completely. The rosacea disappears.

How often ?

Patients often find that 2 or 3 sessions are sufficient to achieve an optimal aesthetic result. The vessels are treated permanently, but it is important to note that new vascularities appear over the years.